I have taken a sort of hiatus ... but enough of that.
So, for those of you who don't know, our little family is growing. We are expecting a little boy on October 13th (or preferably sooner)! We are super excited and things have been very hectic getting ready for baby!
And of course little babies need lots of hand knits - what better way to pass the looong wait then to make little tiny things? Take a looksie at what this kid is getting.
This is my Offset Wraplan by Sara Morris - a free Ravelry download. And a mighty good one I might add. The collar turned out a little wanky, but I improvised this so heavily I'm surprised it turned out as good as it did. Thank God for blocking!
This is my version, modified of course, of Saartje's Bootees by Saartje de Bruijn (her website is here - along with the free pattern). So I knit these up and they were sooo small, so I picked up some stitches along the back and bottom and somehow successfully made them larger - without it looking crappy! Hooray! I'm thinking baby boy will have to wear these home from the hospital, because honestly they wont fit him much longer after that!
This one is my favorite finished object as of late. As soon as I found out we were having another little boy I was set on making him a little tweed smoking jacket - sans the smoking obviously. I am very happy with how my version of Baby Sophisticate by Linden Down turned out(found here). My gauge was way off, and the tweed yarn was a very important factor in the sweater for me, so I heavily improvised this - basically going off of the pictures and making adjustments as I went. Otherwise it would have been teeny and I really want him to be able to wear it for more than a month! I should really start writing my mods down. Hmmm.
This little hat is so painfully darling. I cant not wait to see his fat little cheeks squeeze out of it! Once again very small, so I will have to make another one for a little later in the season. The Malabrigo Worsted is so incredible to work with - and I have gotten 3 of these hats out of one skein! Heck yeah!The button was scavenged off an old dress, and could not be any more perfect for this hat!